How to be a good karaoke host

How to be a good karaoke host

how to be a good karaoke host

So you have a great Karaoke machine system but how do you get the most fun out of it.  If you love karaoke then hosting your own party is great fun.  Surrounded by good music and good friends what else could you want.

Now that you have decided to throw a karaoke party what do you do?  Planning any party is never a simple task.  So how do you make sure you have a successful karaoke party that ensures your guests have a great time?  Here are 10 simple tips to help make your next karaoke party a roaring success.

Don’t have a karaoke machine yet?  Read our review of our top pick for all-in-one home karaoke machine the Singtrix #SGTX1.


1. Use a Theme

Themes can bring additional fun to a karaoke party.  Especially if your guests dress up according to your theme. Then setup some simple decorations around that theme and you’re all set. Some examples of what themes could be are the 80’s, classic rock, pop legends, etc.  Just try to pick a theme most of your guests enjoy and know something about.

Check out this 80’s themed karaoke party in the video below…

2.  Sing the first song

As with most things, people are often reluctant to be the first to do anything.  Singing karaoke is no exception. By just being the first to sing can break the ice and allow your guests to be more comfortable and sing themselves.

3.  Alcohol and Snacks

Some liquid courage such as spirits, wine, and beer can give a lot of your guests the courage to perform.  Know your guests and what they prefer to drink and buy accordingly.  Just check that everyone has a designated driver so they can get home safely.

As for snacks once your guests start drinking they will get the munchies so prepare accordingly.  Snacks can even help your guests sober up a bit if they have had too many drinks.

4.  Create a competition

One of the best ways to get your guests involved is to put them in a friendly competition.  You can choose either solo performances or group performances or maybe even both.  You can have the crowd decide the winner and award prizes as in number 5 below.

5. Award prizes for competition

Directly related to number 4 above. Giving away prizes such as gift cards is a great way to get people to perform. The incentive of winning a prize can make those reluctant to perform change their minds. Surprisingly even the smallest prize is sometimes enough incentive to get people to perform.

6.  Use a host

Having a designated person as host will help keep your guests involved and participating in activities.  Often when people don’t know each other they are reluctant to participate in activities because they are not familiar with one another. Which therefore directly applies to number 7 below.

Another benefit to having a host is that you will have one less thing to worry and should be able to focus on mingling with guests and making sure they have a good time.

7.  Invite the right people

As stated in number 6 above the more you mix the type of guests the shyer they may become.  People usually need to feel comfortable to be able to perform.  If the room is full of strangers it’s likely your guests may feel uncomfortable.

Know your guests.  Some people will perform or sing in front of anyone while some need to know at least a few people.  Just try your best to make all your guests as comfortable as possible.

8. Lighting

Some good lighting can take your karaoke party to the next level.  You can use some uplights around the room.  Maybe setup some lights on the dance floor if you have one to make it feel like a nightclub.  Even could use a spotlight that is focused on the singer to enhance the performance and give a big stage feel.  With some basic decorations some good lighting setups could make your party legit.

9.  Try to keep song queue full

To avoid long periods of silence spend some time coming up with a song list.  Then set up a cue of songs that will play in between your guests performances.  That way you can always have some type of music playing and don’t have any silent periods.  If you have a theme try to keep your song queue with music that matches.  Just on more way to give your guests the ultimate experience.

10.  Location and time

Location is important and can set the tone of your karaoke party.  There is no need to spend a lot of money though.  Your home or backyard are generally very suitable for your guests.  If you don’t feel your home is a suitable place try to find a family member or friend that will allow you to host at their house.  If you can’t find someone then some great places to look are a local bar, restaurant, or hall.  Be cautious though as this can be costly or harder for you to control.

As for time try to pick a time when your guests can make the least excuses to come.  Weekends are generally the best time to host a karaoke party and your guests are more likely to drink as well as they don’t have the excuse that they have work in the morning.


Final Words

I hope these tips will help your next karaoke party be the talk of the town.  To me there aren’t many things better than having a successful karaoke party.  Something about having good music, good friends and family, and having a great time just adds to the experience.  The first time planning can be a bit stressful and time consuming but once you get the hang of it the experience is like no other.


Sincerely Jiro and Emiko

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